AJAX progress indicator
  • A molding or metal flashing placed on the exterior topside of a door or window frame to cause water to drip beyond the outside of the frame. Read More
  • Or "Drop Cloth". A sheet used to cover and protect furniture, floors, and valuables during interior painting projects. Read More
  • A dropped ceiling is created by constructing a ceiling plane lower than the actual ceiling height. A dropped ceiling is sometimes used to cover(...) Read More
  • To install the black roofing felt (tar paper) on the roof. Read More
  • Sometimes called fungal wood rot , dry rot is a fungus that can eat away at wood fibers, turning them to powder. Dry rot thrives in moist and(...) Read More
  • Or "Gypsum Wallboard". A manufactured wall surface of plasterboard or other material encased in a thin layer of cardboard. Typically comes in panels. Read More
  • A highly extended paste used to make a continuous seam between pieces of wallboard (drywall, sheetrock), or used to repair cracks, holes, and(...) Read More
  • A small hand tool with a blade; for application of drywall compound; available in various widths and handle lengths. Read More
  • Ducting are light metal tubes that are part of the HVAC system and help move conditioned air around the house. Read More
  • The heating system. Usually round or rectangular metal pipes installed for distributing warm (or cold) air from the furnace to rooms in the(...) Read More
  • The process of investigation, performed by investors, into the details of a potential investment, such as an examination of operations and(...) Read More
  • A clause in a mortgage contract requiring the borrower to pay the entire outstanding balance upon sale or transfer of the property. Read More
  • A provision in a mortgage that allows the lender to demand repayment in full of the outstanding balance if the property securing the mortgage is sold. Read More
  • Residential property with two connected homes, where each has its own entrance, kitchen facilities, bathrooms, bedrooms and living areas. Read More
  • A panel made out of concrete and fiberglass usually used as a ceramic tile backing material. Commonly used on bathtub decks. Sometimes called(...) Read More
  • A roof with gables extending past the normal ridge of a hipped roof with the hipped roof planes on the lower section. Read More
  • A sum of money given to bind a sale of real estate. Also known as earnest money. Read More
  • Monetary deposit typically made by the homebuyer when they enter into a contract with the seller. The deposit usually will not be refunded to(...) Read More
  • A metal strap used to secure gas hot water heaters to the framing or foundation of a house. Intended to reduce the chances of having the water(...) Read More
  • A right held by a person or entity to make limited use of another’s real property. Read More
  • The edge of a roof that connects with the wall of the building. Usually this part of the roof comes out further than the wall. Read More
  • The horizontal exterior roof overhang. Read More
  • The metal trim that is placed on the edge of the roof covering the seam between the roof plan on the eave and the fascia board. Sometimes(...) Read More
  • Effective Gross Income is the Potential Gross Rental Income plus other income minus vacancy and credit costs of a rental property. EGI is(...) Read More
  • A whitish powder that sometimes oozes from the mortar joints in masonry work. Read More
  • A type of paint finish, or gloss. The finish/sheen of eggshell is somewhere between flat (no gloss) and semi-gloss (some gloss). Read More
  • Typically synonymous with’exit,' the path or right-of-way a person may leave a property. Read More
  • Egress windows are large windows that can double as an emergency exit. They also have specific requirements according to building codes. Read More
  • (1) Eviction or dispossession. (2) A law suit to regain possession of real estate held by another. Read More
  • A plumbing or electrical fitting that lets you change directions in runs of pipe or conduit. Read More
  • The trench or area in the yard where the electric service line (from a transformer or pedestal) is located, or the work of installing the(...) Read More
  • Metal wires that heat up when electric current passes through them and are used in baseboard heaters and electric water heaters. Read More
  • The entry point of the electrical power including: (1) the’strike' or location where the overhead or underground electrical lines connect to the(...) Read More
  • Work performed by the Electrical Contractor after the plumber and heating contractor are complete with their phase of work. Normally all(...) Read More
  • Work performed by the electrical contractor when the house is nearing completion. The electrician installs all plugs, switches, light fixtures,(...) Read More
  • A construction professional specialized in the installation and fixing of electrical equipment. Read More
  • A view of an architectural model taken horizontally, looking at a vertical surface in a design. Read More
  • 1. A drawing of the exterior or interior of a building as seen from a horizontal position - without dimensional perspective. 2. The side view of(...) Read More
  • An alternative to the standard round toilet bowl shape. The elongated toilet bowl is oval in shape and is about 2 €³ longer than a round toilet bowl. Read More
  • The right of a government to take privately owned property for public purposes under condemnation proceedings upon payment of its reasonable value. Read More

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