AJAX progress indicator
  • Brick made of refractory ceramic material which will resist high temperatures. Used in a fireplace and boiler. Read More
  • Or "Fire Rated". Applies to materials that are not combustible in the temperatures of ordinary fires and will withstand such fires for at least(...) Read More
  • A chemical or preparation of chemicals used to reduce the flammability of a material or to retard the spread of flame. Read More
  • A solid, tight closure of a concealed space, placed to prevent the spread of fire and smoke through such a space. In a frame wall, this will(...) Read More
  • Short horizontal members sometimes nailed between studs, usually about halfway up a wall. Read More
  • A large sheet of metal that is installed around and perpendicular to the fireplace flue pipe. It's purpose is to confine and limit the spread of(...) Read More
  • A mortgage having priority as a lien over any other mortgage or lien on the same property. Read More
  • A person with no ownership interest in a principal residence during the three-year period preceding the purchase of the security property.(...) Read More
  • A long strip of spring steel used for fishing cables and for pulling wires through conduit. Read More
  • Or "Gusset". A wood or plywood piece used to fasten the ends of two members together at a butt joint with nails or bolts. Sometimes used at the(...) Read More
  • Any pipe connector other than a valve. Read More
  • Those parts of a property affixed to structures or land, usually in such a manner that they cannot be independently moved without damage to(...) Read More
  • The strategy of purchasing a property in need of repairs, renovating it, then selling it at a profit. Fix and Flip loans, also known as rehab(...) Read More
  • A mortgage loan made to cover the costs of repairing, improving, and sometimes acquiring an existing property. Read More
  • An expense item that’s independent of the rental income, yet still part of the property’s operating budget (e.g., Regardless of whether you have(...) Read More
  • Fixed costs don't change, no matter the quantity of goods or services produced. These costs are agreed upon with your contractor. Read More
  • An adjustable-ate mortgage (ARM) that offers a fixed rate for an initial period, typically three to ten years, and then adjusts every six(...) Read More
  • A type of contract that holds a set, agreed-upon price for the work. Read More
  • An interest rate that is fixed for the term of the loan. Read More
  • Those parts of a property affixed to structures or land, usually in such a manner that they cannot be independently moved without damage to(...) Read More
  • Flat stones used for walks, steps, floors, and vertical veneer (in lieu of brick). Read More
  • A manufactured wood panel made out of 1" - 2" wood chips and glue. Often used as a substitute for plywood in the exterior wall and roof sheathing. Read More
  • An oil burner, designed to hold the flame near the nozzle surface. Generally the most efficient type for residential use. Read More
  • The part of a window that surrounds the frame; for mounting in place and installation. Read More
  • Pieces of sheet metal used on roofs to cover joints, such as where the roof meets the wall, or around a chimney or skylight, to protect them and(...) Read More
  • A type of paint finish. Paint with a flat finish has virtually no gloss or shine; it is known to be less durable than paint with a higher gloss. Read More
  • A monthly or yearly property management fee in a dollar amount. Read More
  • Thin wood strips installed over the butt seam of cabinet skins. Read More
  • An interior paint that contains a high proportion of pigment and dries to a flat or lusterless finish. Read More
  • Common word for concrete floors, driveways, basements, and sidewalks. Read More
  • A Flip Comp provides insights into properties being bought and resold in a short period of time. The properties are often bought for a low(...) Read More
  • An investor who purchases real estate at a discount price and improves the property in order to sell it at a higher price. Read More
  • The process of buying a property, fixing it up or renovating it to increase its market value, and selling it for a profit. Read More
  • Prior to securing, or €˜locking’ an interest rate, the interest rate will continue to change, or float, due to market fluctuations. Locking or(...) Read More
  • The next-to-last stage in concrete work, when you smooth off the job and bring water to the surface by using a hand float or bull float. Read More
  • See Adjustable Rate Mortgage. Read More
  • A non-bearing wall built on a concrete floor. It is constructed so that the bottom two horizontal plates can compress or pull apart if the(...) Read More
  • An independent agency report required by the lender to determine whether a property is located in a flood hazard zone, which would then require(...) Read More
  • A fee charged by independent mapping firms to identify properties located in areas designated as flood zones. Read More
  • Insurance that compensates for physical property damage resulting from flooding. It is required for properties located in federally designated(...) Read More

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