AJAX progress indicator
  • The square footage of a building or space. Read More
  • A floor plan is a visual representation of a home's interior as viewed from above. It details elements of the house, such as walls, doors,(...) Read More
  • The relationship between the total amount of floor space in a multi-story building and the base of that building. FAR's are dictated by zoning(...) Read More
  • Large pipe through which fumes escape from a gas water heater, furnace, or fireplace. Normally these flue pipes are double walled, galvanized(...) Read More
  • Round metal ring which fits around the heat flue pipe after the pipe passes out of the roof. Read More
  • An automatic door located in the flue that closes it off when the burner turns off; purpose is to reduce heat loss up the flue from the(...) Read More
  • 2-foot lengths, fire clay or terra-cotta pipe (round or square) and usually made in all ordinary flue sizes. Used for the inner lining of(...) Read More
  • A fluorescent lamp is a gas-filled glass tube with a phosphor coating on the inside. Gas inside the tube is ionized by electricity which causes(...) Read More
  • A cabinet door that has a front all on one plane is called a flush door. This door style is often used in kitchens where a contemporary or(...) Read More
  • End rafters of the gable overhang supported by roof sheathing and lookouts. Read More
  • Rebar-reinforced concrete that sits under the foundation to provide support for the overall structure. Footing size and depth are guided by(...) Read More
  • The footprint is the overall dimensions of the house, including attached garages and the porch. Changing the footprint means altering the(...) Read More
  • This is a property that is being rented directly by the owner, without the involvement of a real estate management company. Read More
  • This is a property that is being sold directly by an owner, without the involvement of a real estate agent or realtor. Read More
  • The act by the lender of refraining from taking legal action on a mortgage loan that is delinquent. Read More
  • A common form of heating with natural gas, propane, oil or electricity as a fuel. Air is heated in the furnace and distributed through a set of(...) Read More
  • Or "Repossession". A legal proceeding for the collection of real estate mortgages and other types of liens on real estate, which results in(...) Read More
  • Occurs when the bank exercises its lien rights and sells a home at auction. The bank obtains a lien (an ownership interest in the property) when(...) Read More
  • Any person who is not a citizen or national of a specific country. For example, in the United States and in its territories, a foreign national(...) Read More
  • The loss of money, property, rights, or privileges due to a breach of a legal obligation. Read More
  • Temporary structure erected to contain concrete during placing and initial hardening. Read More
  • A written promise from a lender to provide a loan at a future time. Read More
  • The foundation is the concrete structure that is laid out below the first floor of a home. Read More
  • Metal wires that hold the foundation wall panels and rebar in place during the concrete pour. Read More
  • High-quality below-grade moisture protection. Used for below-grade exterior concrete and masonry wall damp-proofing to seal out moisture and(...) Read More
  • An entry hall of a home. Read More
  • The members of a window frame that engage with the exterior surface of a building once inserted into position. Used to attach the frame to the(...) Read More
  • The act of inspecting the home's structural integrity and it's complianceto local municipal codes. Read More
  • A wall that is part of the structure of a building. A structural wall is made of studs, a bottom and top plate, and a wall covering such as drywall. Read More
  • The carpenter contractor that installs the lumber and erects the frame, flooring system, interior walls, backing, trusses, rafters, decking,(...) Read More
  • Lumber is used to build the structure of a building, such as joists, studs, and rafters. Read More
  • A flat tool made of metal, shaped like an L, used to form accurate right angles. Most commonly used for marking perpendicular lines along the(...) Read More
  • Free and clear means there are no encumbrances secured to the property, such as a lien or mortgage. Read More
  • An outdoor buried drain line that leads water away from the house. Water runs through a trench filled with gravel into a perforated pipe(...) Read More
  • Hinged doors with multiple glass panes that extend for most of the door’s lengths. French hinged doors also have wider panel members around the glass. Read More
  • A decorative band, typically horizontal, that can be found on the interior or exterior of a building or home. It originates in architecture(...) Read More
  • Round metal lid that is installed on a water meter pit. Read More
  • The depth of frost penetration in soil and/or the depth at which the earth will freeze and swell. This depth varies in different parts of the country. Read More
  • Authorities verify proposed building plans to ensure that they meet all zoning, safety, and building codes when it comes to large construction(...) Read More
  • A warranty provision in a deed or mortgage or other real estate instrument containing all of the common law items of warranty. Read More

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