AJAX progress indicator
  • An electrical municipal inspection of the electric meter breaker panel box. Read More
  • A device that pumps outdoor heat into your home; they are more energy-efficient than standard resistance-electric heat. Read More
  • Work performed by the Heating Contractor after the stairs and interior walls are built. This includes installing all duct work and flue pipes.(...) Read More
  • Work done by the Heating Contractor to get the home ready for the municipal Final Heat Inspection. This includes venting the hot water heater,(...) Read More
  • The amount of heat energy that needs to be added to a space to in order to maintain an acceptable temperature. This is used in understanding how(...) Read More
  • HVAC is an abbreviation for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. HVAC includes elements like your home’s heating and cooling appliances(...) Read More
  • A notch cut in the end of a rafter to permit it to fit flat on a wall and on the top, doubled, exterior wall plate. Read More
  • A light spot, area, or streak on a painted surface. Read More
  • A roof with four sloping sides. The external angle formed by the meeting of two sloping sides of a roof. Read More
  • A roof with four inclined size as opposed to only two on a gabled roof, so it slopes upward from all sides of the structure. Read More
  • A homeowners association (HOA) is an organization in some communities that enforces certain conditions on properties and residents, and approval(...) Read More
  • Where a lease term expires and the lessee remains in occupation (usually on a month-to-month basis) on the terms and conditions of the original lease. Read More
  • A special type of mortgage developed and insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) that enables older home owners to convert the(...) Read More
  • A type of revolving loan typically only available on a primary residence that enables a home owner to obtain multiple advances of the loan(...) Read More
  • A professional inspection of a home to determine the condition of the property. The inspection should include an evaluation of the plumbing,(...) Read More
  • The electrical cable that carries power from the main circuit breaker panel to the first electrical box, plug, or switch in the circuit. Read More
  • A lien is a legal claim or hold on a piece of property. Among the types of liens out there, a HOA lien is a judgment lien that results from a(...) Read More
  • An organization of homeowners residing within a particular area whose principal purpose is to ensure the provision and maintenance of community(...) Read More
  • Homeowners insurance is required by all lenders to protect their investment, and must be obtained before closing. In most cases, coverage must(...) Read More
  • Insurance offered by a seller that covers certain home repairs and fixtures for a specified period of time. Read More
  • The appearance concrete makes when rocks in the concrete are visible and where there are void areas in the foundation wall, especially around(...) Read More
  • An exterior water faucet (sill cock). Read More
  • Radiator heating system. Hot Water Heating, or Hydronic Heating, uses various types of fuel to heat water; the water is then distributed through(...) Read More
  • The wire that carries electrical energy to a receptacle or other device-in contrast to a neutral, which carries electricity away again. Normally(...) Read More
  • Generating income from your home. There are different types of house hacks, but a common strategy is to buy a multifamily dwelling, live in one(...) Read More
  • HUD is the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The department focuses mainly on increasing the rate of homeownership and access to(...) Read More
  • HAP contracts allow private landlords to receive rental housing assistance on behalf of a low-income household. Read More
  • The percentage of your gross monthly income that goes toward paying for your housing expenses. Read More
  • A final listing of the closing costs of the mortgage transaction. It provides the sales price and down payment, as well as the total settlement(...) Read More
  • An appliance normally attached to the furnace, or portable unit device designed to increase the humidity within a room or a house by means of(...) Read More
  • Metal straps that are nailed and secure the roof rafters and trusses to the top horizontal wall plate. Sometimes called a Teco clip. Read More
  • HVAC is an abbreviation for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. HVAC includes elements like your home’s heating and cooling appliances(...) Read More
  • An adjustable-ate mortgage (ARM) that offers a fixed rate for an initial period, typically three to ten years, and then adjusts every six(...) Read More
  • A strong steel beam that is used to carry the weight of the roof and upper floors across long spans, such as in a basement or a large room. It(...) Read More
  • Manufactured structural building component resembling the letter "I". Used as floor joists and rafters. I-joists include two key parts: flanges(...) Read More
  • An account held by the lender to which the borrower pays monthly installments, collected as part of the monthly mortgage payment, for annual(...) Read More
  • Sometimes called a Mother-In-Law Apartment or Suite. An accessory dwelling unit that is separate or attached from the main living unit. Read More
  • A lamp employing an electrically charged metal filament that glows at white heat. A typical light bulb. Read More
  • Income levels set by the government serve statistical and decision-making purposes. For example, these are used for determining the tax credit limits. Read More
  • Real estate investments that create passive income for the property owner. Read More

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