AJAX progress indicator
  • A contractor that specializes in larger, more involved home renovation projects. A remodeling contractor has expertise with simple and complex(...) Read More
  • A type of real estate investing in which the investors are located geographically distant from their investment property; allowing investors to(...) Read More
  • The act or process of repairing and/or renewing a property to a better condition (as by cleaning, repairing, or rebuilding). Read More
  • The strategy of purchasing a property in need of repairs, renovating it, then selling it at a profit. Fix and Flip loans, also known as rehab(...) Read More
  • An activity that is undertaken by the landlord or a property management company to collect the money from each of the tenants under the terms(...) Read More
  • An insurance that covers the landlord in case a renter runs into financial difficulties and defaults on his or her rental payments. Read More
  • A period of occupancy where no rent is demanded, normally used as an incentive to a new tenant at the commencement of a lease and varies(...) Read More
  • An insurance that covers the landlord in case a renter runs into financial difficulties and defaults on his or her rental payments. Read More
  • A register of rents usually showing the tenants’ names, the amount due, and total rental income received. Read More
  • A written document listing the rental rates that could be created by the owner, property manager, or both of them. Read More
  • A lease agreement in which the rent increases every period for a fixed amount of time or for the life of the lease. Read More
  • A combination of a rental and purchase agreement. With an RTO, the tenant’s monthly payment to the landlord is divided up in a way that part of(...) Read More
  • A discount given by the landlord to the tenant when certain previously agreed criteria are met. For example, the discount could apply on(...) Read More
  • Income generated from leasing out a property to tenants who pay to live in it for the term of the lease. Read More
  • A property occupied by tenants who pay the owner in return for utilizing the living space and any permanent or temporary attached fixtures.(...) Read More
  • A rental property calculator is an online tool that helps property investors to determine the return on investment, cash flow, and cap rate on a(...) Read More
  • A policy that covers the unique risks taken in renting a residential property for periods of time. Its coverage can include property damage,(...) Read More
  • An amount of money the tenants have to pay to landlords over a fixed time period for renting a property. Read More
  • An insurance policy that mainly covers a tenant’s personal belongings and liabilities, whereas some insurance providers offer more extensive coverage. Read More
  • An action to fix broken or obsolete pieces of the property, including any fixtures inside the living space. Read More
  • An arrangement by which a borrower agrees to make additional payments to pay down past due amounts while still making regularly scheduled payments. Read More
  • The cost to replace damaged personal property without a deduction for depreciation. Read More
  • Monthly deposits that a lender may require a borrower to place in an account for future capital improvements of major building systems; i.e.,(...) Read More
  • The cancellation or annulment of a transaction or contract by operation of law or by mutual consent. Borrowers have a right to cancel certain(...) Read More
  • Amounts deposited with a lender as security for an obligation expected to occur at a future date and/or funds retained to cover potential losses. Read More
  • The strategy of purchasing a property in need of repairs, renovating it, then selling it at a profit. Fix and Flip loans, also known as rehab(...) Read More
  • This refers to the amount of money charged by the contractor or supplier for accepting returned excess or wrong products from the homeowner.(...) Read More
  • Often correlated to a renovation, there are distinct differences. Whereas a renovation entails upgrades, or styling, a restoration brings back(...) Read More
  • Retail investors are individual or small investors who invest in property for their personal accounts as opposed to institutional investors, who(...) Read More
  • A wall built to hold back soil, typically constructed on properties on a slope. Read More
  • Amounts withheld from progress billings until final and satisfactory project completion. Read More
  • A term used by developers to evaluate the viability of a project by dividing the return or net income of a property by the cost to develop the(...) Read More
  • A metric that shows how much profit an investor makes on the investment property as a percentage of the investment cost after subtracting all(...) Read More
  • A special type of mortgage developed and insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) that enables older home owners to convert the(...) Read More
  • A trust that can be changed depending on the grantor. A grantor is the person who is either the creator of the trust or the options seller. A(...) Read More
  • Credit that is extended by a creditor under a plan in which (1) the creditor contemplates repeated transactions; (2) the creditor may impose a(...) Read More
  • Abbreviation of Rural Housing Service. Read More
  • The horizontal line at the junction of the top edges of two sloping roof surfaces. Read More
  • The board placed on the ridge of the roof onto which the upper ends of other rafters are fastened. Read More
  • Shingles used to cover the ridge board. Read More

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