AJAX progress indicator
  • A unit of measure-100 square feet-usually applied to roofing and siding material. Also, a situation that exists when two elements are at right(...) Read More
  • The livable square footage between interior walls. Some architects measure the square footage from the exterior walls. Read More
  • Shingles on which tabs are all the same size and exposure. Read More
  • Fine pea gravel used to grade a floor (normally before concrete is placed). Read More
  • The main drain pipe that runs vertically through a house. Read More
  • Supporting member for stair treads. Usually, a 2 X 12-inch plank notched to receive the treads; sometimes called a "rough horse." Read More
  • A platform between flights of stairs or at the termination of a flight of stairs. Often used when stairs change direction. Normally no less than(...) Read More
  • The vertical face of a step in a flight of stairs. Read More
  • Kitchen base cabinets are normally 34 ½ inches tall which allows adding a 1 ½ inch countertop to reach a total height of 36 inches. There are(...) Read More
  • STFI, or standard fire and allied perils insurance, is a type of home insurance covers fires, lightning, aircraft damage, explosion, sprinkler(...) Read More
  • Minimum construction standards. Dictates that the work will be performed in accordance with set standards of the industry as established by(...) Read More
  • There are many standard heights and widths of kitchen wall cabinets available. Wall cabinets are normally installed so that their bottoms are 18(...) Read More
  • A formal offer by a lender making explicit the terms under which it agrees to lend money to a borrower over a certain period of time. Read More
  • Asphalt roofing applied at the eaves that provides protection by filling in the spaces under the cutouts and joints of the first course of shingles. Read More
  • A vent that does not include a fan. Read More
  • A municipal and/or engineers inspection of the concrete foundation wall, conducted before concrete is poured into the foundation panels. Done to(...) Read More
  • A foundation wall section generally made of concrete below the framed section and above the footing. Read More
  • Flashing application method used where a vertical surface meets a sloping roof plane. 6" X 6" galvanized metal bent at a 90 degree angle, and(...) Read More
  • A foundation wall or stem wall that may have various heights creating a stepped look. Stepped foundation walls are often used where the slope of(...) Read More
  • STFI, or standard fire and allied perils insurance, is a type of home insurance covers fires, lightning, aircraft damage, explosion, sprinkler(...) Read More
  • A house built without prefabricated parts. Read More
  • An upright framing member in a panel door. Read More
  • The flat molding fitted over the window sill between jambs and contacting the bottom rail of the lower sash. Read More
  • Underground location where a water cut-off valve (curb stop) to the home is located. Read More
  • A formal, written notification to a contractor to discontinue some or all work on a project for reasons such as safety violations, defective(...) Read More
  • A device installed in a water supply line, usually near a fixture, that permits an individual to shut off the water supply to one fixture(...) Read More
  • Moldings along the inner edges of a door or window frame. Also valves used to shut off water to a fixture. Read More
  • An extra window usually placed outside of an existing one, as additional protection against cold weather. Read More
  • A sewer system designed to collect storm water and is separated from the waste water system. Read More
  • An extra window usually placed outside of an existing one, as additional protection against cold weather. Read More
  • That part of a building between any floor or between the floor and roof. Read More
  • A manufactured wood panel made out of 1"to 2" wood chips and glue. Often used as a substitute for plywood in the exterior wall and roof sheathing. Read More
  • Streamline FHA refinance refers to the refinance of an existing FHA-insured mortgage requiring limited borrower credit documentation and(...) Read More
  • The plate on a door frame that engages a latch or dead bolt. Read More
  • The angled member of a stair section that supports the risers and treads. Read More
  • Wood flooring consisting of narrow, matched strips. Read More
  • A framed lumber floor that is installed as a basement floor instead of concrete. This is done on very expansive soils. Read More
  • Report generated by an architect or engineer following a detailed assessment, describing the current physical condition of the property and its(...) Read More
  • A plaster that is used for coating exterior walls of buildings. Read More
  • A vertical wood framing member, also referred to as a wall stud, attached to the horizontal sole plate below and the top plate above. Normally 2(...) Read More

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